
Welcome creators! Create your own resource based on unfoldingWord® Open Bible Stories or the original Sweet publishing Images.


Scribe SE

Create a translation of unfoldingWord® Open Bible Stories by using Scribe SE! This is the easiest way to get started and lets you start translating from English or one of the other languages listed on the Library page.

Download Scribe SE:

Other Options

You can also translate unfoldingWord® Open Bible Stories using one of these options:


JPG Files

These source image files may be used for creating your own documents or presentations.

Original Illustrations

If you are looking for the original illustrations from Sweet Publishing you can browse and/or download them from the Bible Illustrations from Sweet Publishing page on the unfoldingWord website.


MP4 Files

Use these files to create your own OBS videos using a wide variety of common video editing software apps available for your laptop or phone. They are all HD quality at 1080p.

PSD Files

For most video productions, the MP4 files available above are the best format. However, if you want to make significant edits or changes to visual elements within in the basic video clips (i.e. change coloring or add/delete objects in the image), you can download these PSD files, which are the layered images that were used to create the MP4 videos above. Typically, these files are large, require special software and skill sets to make changes and produce altered videos. If you are not sure if this is the format you need, please contact us.

Video Help

If you would like help creating a video from a set of translated OBS stories, please contact us.


The following PDF links provide information on creating audio recordings of Open Bible Stories:

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